Awesome Yoga

Iyengar Yoga Classes in Cardiff

Cardiff, Newport and Swansea yoga classes are now available with Chris Robins, an Iyengar Yoga certified instructor with over 40 + years experience. Classes include beginner, general and intermediate level.

……View all upcoming classes.

Monday – Newport  – Online Zoom Class

Currently….Zoom class:  General / Intermediate at 6:00pm – 7:30….Contact me directly to attend

New Class 1 TBA …  0:00pm – 0:00pm  TBA

Venue: TBA,  address to follow

Class 2 … Zoom Class  …   6:00pm – 7:30pm  Beginerrs / General level / Intermediate

Venue: Online Zoom Class

Tuesday – Swansea – Starting 9th July

New Class 2024….start 9th July 24

New Class …   7:00pm – 8: 30pm  Beginners / General Class / Intermediate

Venue: Swansea Wellbeing Centre,  Swansea Wellbeing Centre, Walter Road, Swansea, SA1 5PQ

Classes are open to General Public and University students

Wednesday – Cardiff

Beginners class TBA  …   Beginners  / Pregnancy Class – TBA

Venue: TBA


7:00pm – 8:30pm  General  level to Intermediate – EVERY WEDNESDAY – Easy Parking  (Free)

Venue:  Flame Dance Studio, 2 Quay Point, Collivaud PI, Ocean Way, Cardiff, CF24 5HF


Friday- TBA

Class pending….     Newport
No Class – Pending


Saturday Classes  / Workshops

New Saturday Classes 2024  – at Swansea Wellbeing Centre,  For people with 1 yr + Iyengar practise.

Time for Class: 11:30 to 14:00 – contact me for more information

Venue: Swansea Wellbeing Centre, Walter Road,  Swansea, SA1 5PQ

  • Sat Mar – TBA
  • Sat May – TBA
  • Sat Jul – TBA
  • Sat  Sep – TBA

Saturday Classes 2024 Flame Dance Studio. For people with 1yr + Iyengar practise…….

Time for Classes 11:30 to 14:00   –  contact me for more information

  • Sat  Jan – None
  • Sat  17th Feb
  • Sat  16th Mar
  • Sat  20th Apr
  • Sat  18th May
  • Sat  22th Jun
  • Sat  20th Jul
  • Sat  Aug – None
  • Sat   21st Sep
  • Sat   19th Oct
  • Sat   16th Nov
  • Sat  7th Dec

Venue: Flame Dance Studio, 2 Quay Point, Collivaud PI, Ocean Way, Cardiff, CF24 5HF

More classes in Cardiff imminent, please contact us for more information.

Private tuition is also available on request

For more information about any of our classes or to enquire about private tuition, please contact us.

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